Cementless Solution
‘펼치다’와 시멘트없이 ‘맞추다’라는 영문이 합쳐 SFIT 품명 탄생
SFIT 특징 및 장점
- Spread + FIT
- 시술 시 편의성 증가, Chair Time 단축
- Cement 없는 보철물이므로 잔여 Cement로 인한 치주 염증 발생을 최소화한다.
- 우수한 유지력
- 전치부 및 구치부 Angulated Screw Channel 형성이 가능함.
SFIT Ti - Base System
Component selection guide for the Sub. SFIT Ti-Base
- Intra-oral scanning
- Model scanning
Multi SFIT Ti_Base System
Component selection guide for the Sub. Multi SFIT Ti-Base
- Intra-oral scanning
- Model scanning
Hybrid Ti-Base System
Component selection guide for the Sub. Hybrid Ti-Base System
- Intra-oral scanning
- Model scanning
Multi Hybrid Ti-Base System
Component selection guide for the Sub. Multi Hybrid Ti-Base System
- Intra-oral scanning
- Model scanning
Sub-N. Hybrid Ti-Base System
Component selection guide for the Sub-N. Hybrid Ti-Base System
- Intra-oral scanning
- Model scanning